Friday, July 06, 2007

I haven't been blogging because....

I'm addicted to being an elf on Vana'diel (a massive multiple player RPG online game - in case you don't know where Vana'diel is, it's a world threatened by monsters and beast in final fantasy xi). I fight monsters and beast to save the helpless!

That's a picture of me, oh I mean of me in Vana'diel! Aren't I the cutest elf you've ever seen?

1 comment:

catherine said...

hrmmm... not sure if i would use cute.... maybe really cool, or hot, or alias meets xena meets arwen. but sorry not cute. cute is thomas poking his finger into his belly button and laughing :)
but i do agree that all the fantasy/science fiction stuff with kick butt women fighters are the best.