Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mind Boggling....

OK, so whenever there's a holiday do environment engineers really get a day off? For example, for us, trash day is Monday and it was labor's day so of course, no waste management service that day. But then the next day we put our trashcans out. So doesn't this mean that they have to work twice as hard to get all the trash that was suppose to go out on Monday done on Tuesday?


alan said...

Trash day is Tuesday.....

Unknown said...

Hi Audrey, I know what you mean. Sometimes they do have to work extra hard the following day. I think Labor Day only applies to some jobs (sadly). Safeway was open on Labor Day and I felt bad going there that day (but Sara needed more soy milk and it was just easier to go there with Vijay home). The cashier didn't seem too thrilled to be working and said to me as I grabbed my grocery bags, "Have a good holiday." I felt so bad. :(

Audrey said...

I feel so lucky....but it's really only on the surface as my boss expects me to work 24/7...

Anonymous said...

Hey don't feel too bad.
- Sanitation Engineers can make pretty good money (i.e. 75k)
- They get time and a half for overtime.
- They get to drive a cool truck
- All little kids wave to them
- They get to play with a cool robot arm
- When there job is done, they can go home and relax, their day is done