Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Below are some of my favorite pictures from our trip to Napa.


catherine said...

i really like your middle shot. it would be a beautiful poster! almost like a photo you would find in a professional photography book.

alan said...

just for the record, i helped audrey frame that shot! :)

Anonymous said...

nice exposure on the first picture. can even see a stream off in the distance. manual or auto? :)

Audrey said...

Hi Jake,

All three shots were done in manual mode. And oh, the about the stream... it's not a stream, it's actually a road but it was raining earlier so it had a bit of a glimmer in it. hehe...thanks for the compliment.

Wali said...

hey that was Sterling Vineyards! my friends and I visited the same place and took the same picture! ^^

check this out: