Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Does anyone want to guess what Alan is up to? Yup, you guessed it, he's working on his car! He just bought a navigation system. Yup! You guessed it again, it was the first thing he did too when we got home yesterday night. And the night before that? He was reading up on how to do the installation. And before that? Oh you mean since we came back from Carmel?...he was doing research on which navigation he should get.'s married life you asked? It's um..very stuff...very fun~ OK, I gotta quit whining and look at the bright side -the big picture-, a month of solitude at home...but it'll mean that we'll always know where we're going! That's great news! We all know how guys are about asking for directions.....yep..I bet you do!

While he's having fun w/ the installation...I think I'll find something fun to do. I know! Online shopping! ....oh that Alan's credit card sitting there?......*evil laugh*!!!! Now married life is exciting!!!!!

1 comment:

gorgbroza said...

Hee hee hee... hey you know what? Maybe you can call the number on the back of the card and report to the bank that someone fraudulently ordered a navigation system. Heheheh... sorry Alan.