Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Note to self: Never buy any furniture unless delivery is complimentary. Seriously, folks, if you think your wife wants to buy furniture all the time, the way to see it stop is go buy it with your wife and then say no to delivery service. This works really well ya know.

The someone (don't wanna mention names hahaha....we all know who you are) and I bought a bedroom set but since delivery is $140, someone said no to delivery. So today, we brought a 1988 VW van with us to pick up the 6 piece bedroom set. I'm not kidding you. And then of course, the headboard wouldn't fit in the van. We tried it sideway and every which way we can think of but it just wouldn't fit. Am I surprised? NO!!! Was he surprised?...Yes! Amazing....and then when we got home.......well, I can tell you, I was so frustrated I started crying..well that was after we went up one flight of stairs where one of the corners of the dressser hit me in the temple and then one of the dresser's legs ran over my toes......why oh why did I want new furniture? They are currently sitting in the living room...and the bedroom is one more flight of stairs...I don't want to think about it....I have a feeling my back is gonna hurt tomorrow.

after this experience I don't ever want new furniture ......how about when we got the sofa? our coffee table? our the buffet table? Yup, we also moved that ourselves too...but this experience was the worst ever! Is it really worth it to save the delivery fee?


gorgbroza said...

Heheheheh... our last furniture experience was painful for me... Regina paid for it, then came home to tell me, "it will be delivered on Thursday, so we'd better paint the bedroom before it gets here". Well, "we" ended up being me, and the short deadline meant I had to paint (high ceiling, too) from 11PM until whenever....

Anyway, don't worry, your back will heal... you're young. As for your hairy-chested bird man... he's no spring chicken... his hair situation is catching up with mine.

catherine said...

oh no, poor audrey.... i thought it was worth saving on the delivery fee when i was younger, but the older i get, the more i am willing to spend for others to do labor.

yes you are still young, both of you. if you are looking for more furniture, check out Rooms Decor, 40495 Albrae St, off of Stevenson. they are very reasonable and sell all the same stuff you see in Restoration, Pottery Barn, Macy's, Costco. I think cheaper than Levitz. If you don't see something you want in their showroom, give them a picture and they will try to find an imitation of it.