Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's been over 2 years since we visited the squirrels at the Golden Gate Park. 2 years ago, there was this one special squirrel who followed us around and was super friendly. I named him (it looked like a him) Willis. I wonder if Willis is still alive or whether it was Willis that we saw on Sat. Could this be Willis?

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It sure looked like Willis. Well, kinda hard to tell cuz Willis and his friends and family and extended family all look alike.

They were, as always, super friendly, sweet, and adorable! 2 years ago, there weren't any signs prohibiting the feeding of squirrels. Now, it's all over the place. That's too bad! If we don't feed the squirrels, where are they gonna find food? They need (unsalted) nuts and acorns to help them get through the winter. *wink* *wink*

I hope they had a great thanksgiving.

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