Sunday, January 21, 2007

New Year Resolution

Must be the new year because there were tons of people at the gym on Friday night and tons of people at the gym on Saturday morning. I wonder how long before it goes back to normal, when the gym is empty on Friday nights and Saturday mornings. My guess is that in 2 weeks or so.hehe..sorry for be so pessimistic but history is likely to repeat itself and soon I won't have a problem finding a parking spot at the gym. Yes! Anyhow, 21 days after new year, I finally have my resolutions . Let's see how long mine will last.

My new year resolution is to
1)Conserver Water - turn off water when I'm shampooing etc.
2)Conserve Energy - yes Mr. P, that means turning off the lights when I leave a room
3)Keep my plants alive and - yes, that means watering them..I know.
4)Get my resting heart rate below 80 - Did you know that Lance Armstrong's resting heart rate is 32 per minute? That is insane!


gorgbroza said...

Isn't #3 in conflict with #1? Maybe you need to get a cactus or other succulents.

And re: #4, my resting heart rate is under 60, and all I do is drink beer. Maybe you should try it.

Audrey said...

Hahaha! You're right, I think #3 is in conflict w/ #1...actually, I failed at both #1 & #3 cuz umm...#1 is just too hard..and umm as for #3...I think my plants are dead now..

Drink beer eh? OK, I think I'll give that a try tonite.