Sunday, April 15, 2007

All ATMs should have a reboot button!!!

Have you ever had an atm machine freeze on you? Well, it did on me!!!! I put in my card, punch in my pin and it froze. I stood there for 5 min thinking it would unfreeze itself. Who was I kidding? It was probably running windows or something. And why is it so hard to get to the option of speaking to an operator? Actually, there isn't a "speak to a person" option and nope, 0,*, or # don't take you there. After exhausting the entire menu, I realized there wasn't an option to speak to someone. To be able to speak to a rep, you have to select an option like, check your balance or something and then when asked to input the account number, enter some junk (because if you enter your account # correctly, you don't get to speak to someone). When I was finally routed to an operator (some 15 to 20 minutes later), she said "it what?" and kept laughing. Was it funny or something? I didn't think so. Anyways, doesn't this make you wanna think twice about putting your debit card into an ATM machine now? Why don't ATMs have "ctrl", "Alt", & a "Delete" buttons or even a reboot machine?

1 comment:

william said...

so where's the pics of the plants?

and most of all, while alan was out partying in vegas, what did you do?

the enquire magazine wants to know...