Welcome to my little garden. This is actually my try it again project. Earlier attempts (2005 & 2006) ended sadly. Hopefully this year, it will be different, because if I fail again I will never hear the end of ~I told you so~ from you know who....I really really want to prove him wrong.
Despite what Alan says, I remain very hopeful. They are gonna live!!!! Well, every year I am closer to being able to keep my plants alive so why can't it be this year? This time I made sure I had a proper drainage system (such as adding a layer of crushed pine cones on the bottom and made sure there are holes on the bottom for extra water to flow out), I made sure I didn't cramp them together so they have room to grow, and last but not least, I made sure that I didn't merely just place the new plants on top of the soil in the new containers but actually submerge them in the new soil. Now, as long as I remember to water them and feed them regularly, they shouldn't die on me.

Also don't forget to water them!
maybe you can stand next to william and his green thumb will rub off on you. he keeps plants alive forever!!
it's a bit crowded! (catherine that's why i have 1 pot per plant and we have too many odd pots).
audrey, unless these plants are meant to stay small, the roots will crowd each other out. it looks great now but it's going to be too limited once they really want to stretch and grow.
also don't over-water. just enough to see it run off and you should be good. does your porch get sunlight too? if not then you should get plants that are happy in the shade...
looking at it again, each one of those plants might do better in it's on 6-8" if not 12" pots...so if you just planted them, wait a week or so then transfer if you want...otherwise you might traumitize it too much.
make sure the pot drains too...so you don't drown the roots...good luck!
oh man! Too crowded?!!! Looks like I'll have to get more containers. Thanks for the advice.... I will need to fill out a form to file a request for a bigger garden budget with the man of the house!
what u 2 don't have separate accounts? :)
catherine has her own checking account, we don't use it to pay bills & stuff but it keeps me from knowing the little things she wants to buy and it saves a lot of "discusssions" cause in the end, i really don't want to know (or care) about the small stuff.
and over the years...the small stuff theshold increases...you HAVE to adjust for inflation after all.
Oh we have seperate accounts as well as a joint account. When it comes to paying bills or buying things for the house, it comes from our joint account.....this project can arguably be for me because it's something that I want (one sided) but it benefits both party (like making it it more pleasant to eat in the balcony when the weather is warm) so it should come from both of us. :) Cuz I should really use my own account on stuff like shoessssssssss where it will be next to impossible to get Alan to agree that I need a new pair.
yeah shoes i've given up on. i now know women buys a pair of shoes with the intent to wear it 2x then it's off to the goodwill cause by then next year's fashion has already made it obsolete.
it's similar to a guy's need for speed on their PC's and gadgets...so it all evens out.
Can we get an update? Are any of your plants still alive?
Well....let's just say that some of them are happily living. I might have over watered them..hmmm....I'll take some pictures later this week and post them up.
Audrey, here's a gardening tip I find useful: buy from OSH or Home Depot where you get your money back in case they don't make it. You just have to save the plastic pots. This helps me from feeling too bad. :D
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