Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I luv it when it's warm!

Oh my gosh it's beautiful outside. Yikes, I'm such a slacker..hope no one from work ever finds this blog (because I should be working right now)..hehe...or at least no one that will rat on me. So what did I do? Around 4 PM, I went to starbucks for ice tea and cookies. Then I sat outside and enjoy the sun and my little snack! What a little retreat! It's wonderful to have a park right by my work place. It was so very nice! Makes me envy those kids playing outside. .....I guess I don't have to envy, I was a kid once upon a time, so I did get my share of the sun. I guess it's kinda like timeshare or something... Oh I know! I can be an at home mom and enjoy the sun with my kid(s) in the afternoon! Ya! That's an idea! Although I don't think this idea will get approved any time soon. Anyways....this makes me wonder, so the first 18 years or so of our life, we get to enjoy the sun and be lazy in the afternoon....and is that it? Do we have to wait until we're old,gray and wise/senile before we can do that again?


catherine said...

oh that sounds so luxurious. *sigh* there are times i wish i was working again. i miss working - the good parts. seeing the people you like, getting $$. motherhood is amazing but definitely only when a person is ready and willing to shift their life focus. enjoy your time as unfettered married people! :)

gorgbroza said...

I didn't notice how beautiful it was today until I got home and saw Regina and Sara sitting outside. So busy at work I don't even have time for a stupid 10 minute walk outside. :P

alan said...

I thought with the time change, I'd be able to get home before it gets dark.... so far I'm 0 for 2 this week, it's still dark when I get home. But at least it's kinda light out when I'm stuck in traffic!