Saturday, June 02, 2007

My plants are happy!

My plants are happy, I am happy! Here are some before and after shots of my garden.

Back in April:


Back in April:


Back in April:


Back in April:



Regina said...

Good job! Are you going to separate them since they're getting bigger?

Audrey said...

I want to but I'm afraid i'm not skilled enough and kill them...

catherine said...

wow! they are getting big... i don't know, you might have to think about separating some of them soon. the aggressive ones will start crowding out the more passive plants, which will die. natural selection...
but plants are strong - give it a try! they will be like your lovebirdies... soon you'll have so many plants you won't know what to do with them and you'll be trying to pawn them off on everyone :)

alan said...

Go plants! Go Audrey!