Friday, August 31, 2007

The most expensive violin

The highest price anyone paid for a Stradivarius violin is 3.5 million dollars! Wow! O.o Imagine playing an instrument that is oh so so expensive. Actually, I would be afraid to play it.

I have been reading a non fiction book on this famous luthier, Antonio Stradivari, maker of this insanely priced violin.

I know nonfiction...just a few years ago history puts me to sleep. I've been really interested in history lately (in the past few years that is). Did i mention that that my favorite channel is the history channel? Well anyways, I was in a for a pleasant surprise by the book,"Stradivari's Genius" written by Toby Faber. It is packed with drama. First, Antonio Stradivari married a wealthy widow, Francesca Feraboschi, whose brother murdered her husband. She then sued her dead husband's father for her dowry back!!! Four months after she was remarried to Antonio, they had their first kid! Who would have thought that people do that in the 17th century? Talking about drama! No need for prime time TV show or day time soap. Then after Francesca died, Antonio remarried a woman who was 20 years younger than him. He was 55 at the time. When they had their first kid, a daughter, Antonio named her Francesca after his first wife. See, not your typical non-fiction book. O.o....


Anonymous said...

Hello Audrey,
I came across your blogs quite by chance and you've inspired me to write my own...umm, starting next week as I need to rest this weekend. I find these age old dramas fascinating and it makes you realize what a Big Brother world we live in. Today, you can get away with very little, they seem to have cameras everywhere esp in Europe with those CCTV things watching your every move.

I would recommend watching foreign films once in a while, infact this is a reminder to myself. Let that be my first blog, a recount of a wonderful foreign film I picked up from Blockbuster a couple of yrs back. Sorry, this comment had little relevance to the violin but I hope you understand.

Unknown said...

Yes I've heard of these violins before. Makes a Borsendorfer sound affordable.