Friday, September 07, 2007

hm......what happens if you can't read chinese?!!! lose out on this super deal (3 dishes plus rice for $17.99) at this little chinese restaurant next to the music studio I go to for violin lessons. They have this chinese banner out saying, "3 dishes plus rice for $17.99" and nope there is no English translation on there. Good thing I can read the number 3 and $17.99. Well, so I asked the waitress in my horrible mandarin about this $17.99 deal and she handed me the special menu and guess what?!!!! It was all in chinese. I asked if there was an English menu and there was, except it was the regular menu, not the special 3 items for $17.99 special menu. So in short, the deal was only for people who can read chinese. i randomly pointed to 3 items on the menu becaues the waitress didn't want to read the dishes one by one for me.....(can't blame her, I wouldn't want to either) and I don't want to pay $10 for a dish that I could get for $6 on the special menu....


liz said...

yes, it's a bit discriminitory. john told me the other day that when he went to a chinese restaurant in milpitas, the help wanted sign said something like, female cashier, male cook wanted. he said he should apply for the cashier position and then sue the restaurant. but what if he got hired? ha ha. anyway, he said that's just how things are in china (or maybe in asian culture in general).

Regina said...

When my Chinese relatives would come over to visit, we'd go out to 3 Brothers restaurant in San Ramon. There were dishes on the Chinese menu that did not appear on the English menu.

Audrey said...

I think some guy tried to sue hooters because he wanted to be a waiter there and they required boobs or something....hehe

Anonymous said...

Good deal indeed. Sounds kinda like my favorite restaurant Little Potato!