Monday, November 26, 2007

American Children living in poverty....

It is a reality. Often time, when we think about children living in poverty, we often think of children living in undeveloped countries. Do you know that nearly 13 million American children live in family with income below the federal poverty level? For these children, their time are not spent on worrying about doing their homework or what toys they want to get, but on whether they'll be hungry when bedtime comes or if they'll be cold because winter is here and they lack proper clothings or enough blankets. What are we to do? And most of us probably think, well, we can get them a Christmas gift or donate some food during Thanksgiving, Christmas and New year. So we feed our poor neighbor and provide them, perhaps a nice Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, but that is only 3 days a year. What happens after thanksgiving or Christmas or new year? We go back to doing our regular stuff and the stuff about poverty? We kinda forget about it. (I'm saying this because I'm guilty of this.) We can make a difference. We can do our jobs as citizens to ensure that we have effective public policy to make a difference in our neighbor's life. The first step to doing that is to be informed of the different policies out there and vote because effective policy can make a difference. For more info (such as stats) on children living in poverty, click here.

And if you have time, volunteer to be a big brother or a big sister. Click here to get to the big brother/big sister volunteer program.

1 comment:

Regina said...

Yes, it's a grim reality for the United States. I'm collecting new baby blankets, gently used books and stuffed animals for Project Night Night in the spring of next year. These items will goto children in homeless shelters and low income housing. If anyone wants to participate, contact me!