Thursday, November 08, 2007

for your entertainment..

if you're bored and got nothing better to play... if you think i looked pretty pissed...well i was!!! it took me forever because I kept screwing up...don't think that I didn't screw up on this one..just that I got tired....goodnight! and might wanna turn down your speaker...


Anonymous said...

Wow, you're getting pretty good at the violin. Nice job on the Habanera!

Regina said...

Ditto, I look forward to your recital. :)

Regina said...

BTW, I'm out on the piano competition we talked about. I found out I'm too old to join now! By one year. :P

catherine said...

wow audrey - that is really good for being at it for only a year. keep practicing! the older i get the more i find it fun to learn new skills. i hope you invite me to your recital too!

Audrey said...

By one year?!!!! How about the Van Cliburn Competition for Amateur? I think it'll be fun!

Regarding the recital, it'll be either December or January as my violin teacher is looking for a recital hall. Once I have the details (location and date), I'll send you guys an email. I'm very excited...I've been practicing for many hours....hehehe...and my birdies been enjoying the show, not sure about my neighbors though.

Regina said...

I don't even qualify for amateurs since you have to be over 35 and have absolutely no experience as a musical instructor. :P