Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I stumped over the G major scale and G arpeggio during my level 1 test! Actually, I stumped over lots of other parts of the test. You see, I have this problem, it's call nerves.....I got so nervous. I've been preparing for the level 1 test since late January. 3 months of hard work. I think I might have failed it.....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! Now it makes me wonder if I really should have a recital... I might get on stage, and freeze.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You'll be fine. :) 2 pieces of advice:

1. You could eat a banana before your performance. It's suppose to help calm nerves.

2. Think of your performance as a "gift". "The musician works diligently to achieve a level of understanding and technique equal to a work of art. He then offers the performance from the heart as a gift of his creative energies -- not to be criticized in terms of number of errors but to be valued for genuiness, beauty, sincerity, wholeheartedness." (Barbara Schneiderman, pg. 25 of "Confident Music Performance")