Sunday, June 29, 2008

Being a vegetarian...

Being a vegetarian is hard. But being a vegetarian at a Chinese Wedding Banquet as a photographer's assistant is harder. Why is that? Well, if you're a guest, you can simply let the bride and groom know ahead of time and can take care of that for you. Anyways, so what happens when you're a vendor? You're pretty much on your own. That was the scenario today. What did I do today? Starve myself? Hell no! I ordered steamed veggies ($9!) and ate that instead. So I sat there with my steamed veggies while courses after courses (of meat and seafood) were brought out. Then when the waiter brought Stir-Fry Abalone with Bok-Choy and set it down, he said to me, "this is vegetarian, no meat". Whoa, a vegetarian dish? Are you kidding me? Being a vegetarian is hard, but having to explain to a Chinese waiter that abalone is not a vegetable? That is super hard!

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