Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I can't stop thinking about food...

I can't stop thinking about food and it is not surprising that my thoughts are currently on "what's for dinner?", "hmm...what's for dessert?". When I woke up this morning at 9:45 (that's really 8:45!!!!), I was thinking, hmmm..what should I eat for breakfast, but unfortunately, since I was running late so I wasn't able to eat my breakfast (bad audrey! breakfast is good for you!). So for dinner, this is what I'm thinking, Tofu Skin Rolls with Sesame Ginger Dip, and Stir-fried Vegetarian Rice Noodles from my newly bought cookbook, Quick & Easy Asian Vegetarian Recipes. Yes yes, I must have that for dinner.

Let's see, is it really quick & easy? The recipe looks kinda complicated. What's a complicated recipe? It's one where there's lots of ingredients and where most require chopping and slicing. But it's from the quick & easy cookbook, therefore it must be quick right? We'll see... haha


Amy said...

that looks good!

Audrey said...

Yummy & health hehe! It actually tastes better today then when it was freshly made.

liz said...

wow, that does look good... makes me wonder what I'm going to eat (for breakfast though)!