Thursday, March 12, 2009

Is it time for breakfast yet?

What's for breakfast tomorrow? Vegan Banana Walnut Chocolate Chip Muffins of course! It's one of my favorite recipes from The Joy of Vegan Baking. One of my favorite gifts of all time. Everything I've tried making in there is so yummy that most people can't tell it's vegan.

Mix together bananas, chocolate chips, walnuts, canola oil,..... flour and... wham! you got banana muffins, it's almost that easy.

Here's a trivia. Did you know that banana is the most consumed fruit in the world? (It's one of Mr. P's favorite because it's the most convenient to eat, of course haha). You're probably thinking, banana farmers must make the most money. Sadly, that is not the case. Most banana farmers receive a low price for their produce because of corporate control. To help these farmers get their fair share of profit, look for a "fair trade" label on your bananas whenever possible! Click here for more details.


Amy said...

there are also no more REAL bananas in the world. they're all genetically altered. those organic ones...probably just grown in organic soil. =/

and yes, alan does like bananas for the convenience. code monkey like banana. code monkey have monkey ears.

Audrey said...

Whoa, there are no more real bananas?

Amy said...

sadly, no. they've been modified to be the resilient, easy-growing fruit they are. probably another reason why they're so cheap.

aaand, if you didn't already kno, our school is probably one of the leading researchers on walnuts. hah. we even have walnut-balls ("meatballs") at the cafe.