How many toes does a lovie have? 10? 8? 7? 6? Well,...a lovie is born with 8 toes; 4 toes on each foot, 2 in the front and 2 in the back. 2 in the front and 2 in the back so that they can perch and grab stuff. For some reason, I have a hard time remembering that or maybe it's wishful thinking. If I were to answer the question yesterday, I would say, 10, just like us! And if I were to think that out loud, Alan would probably *bonk* me in the head. So, yes, most lovies have 8 toes..but if you look at Itchy closely in the picture, you'll see that Itchy only has 7 toes. She had her left big toe amputated early this year because she broke it. And, poor Itchy ... she recently injured her big toe on her right foot... and might even lose it. Dr. Freeman said that this time, it's not broken but the blood vessel was affected and that there's a 50/50 chance that it will heal if not all of the blood supply is cut off. If not, it will eventually fall off. Oh no! Itchy's going to only have 6 toes!!!!!...she's going to have a hard time perching or even playing with her toys :( .... if only she had 10 toes to start with, then losing 2 won't be such a big deal.
poor itchy... Well, maybe you will have to make a special playground for him then!
At least she still has her hair... er... head-feathers. It would suck if you needed to give her Rogaine. Though... you can get the generic Costco (Kirkland) version for pretty cheap now.
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