Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Since last November, my contacts (Gas Permeable) had been bothering me. My eyes would be red from the discomfort, and they would pop out easily (my contacts that, not my eyeballs) or even get dislodged. I was thinking..hmm..maybe I've developed some allergies or something. It wasn't like that when I first got them. I went to see my optomestrist and ha-ha-ha I've been wearing my left contact on my right eye and my right contact on my left eye..silly me! I don't even remember when I made the switch. My optometrist said, "Audrey, you've been putting them on the wrong side! The curvature on each eye is slightly different. That is why they didn't fit right. Green, second letter is "r", "r" for right, so the green lense is for your right eye. Blue, second letter is "l", "l" for left, so the blue lense is for your left eye. Remember that." Wow, what a neat little association trick!!! I don't remember being told that before. Or perhaps I wasn't listening before because I would remember these things, I'm good with associations! For example, All Dogs Eat Kidneys is a good little association trick I used to help me remember that vitamins A,D,E, and K are fat-soluable and that taking too much of any of them over the daily recommendated amount is harmful.

1 comment:

j said...

hey audrey...
Here's another one for you = "Bad Beer Rots Our Young Guts But Vodka Goes Well"? hehehe. thats the association for reading resistor values (remember in enginerring school?) - Brown, Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Gray, and White!