Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It took me 30 minutes to convince my dear hubby to go to the gym with me. I basically dragged him there with me...he should thank me..cuz if he gets used to being lazy..there's no going back!!! Anyhow, we got to the gym, went into the weight room..and sure enough, there were hardly any girls there.

It's very intimidating, being the minority. Everytime I'm there, I'm either the only female there or 1 of the 2 females there. Resistance training improves muscle strength, endurance, increases metabolism, increases bone mineral mass and prevents osteoporosis! This is something that everyone should do, it's not only for men.


catherine said...

alan should feel lucky. someday he will thank you for it. when you're in your 60's and he is not all fat and out of shape, while you are still trim and lovely :)

gorgbroza said...

So is Alan letting it all hang out now that he's married?

Don't feel intimidated... just think... if you're the only lady there, you're the one getting all the attention. Hahaha.

(some encouragement for Alan to keep in shape)