Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My DH and I, we have communication issues. This morning, before we left for work, I told my DH, "Honey, I'm bringing the minestrone soup for lunch." He asked me why and mentioned something about the minestrone not being enough to fill me. I told him, "well, I'm bringing lunch because I got no cash." His reponse? He said, "I got cash." How is a wife like me suppose to interpret that message? Well, I don't know about anyone else, but it sure sounded like "honey, I'm taking you out to lunch" to me. When lunch time came, he said to me, "I never said anything about taking you out to lunch, I just said that I got cash."

Maybe I was reading too much into what he said? But still,.....that made me mad, especially since we carpooled and he had the car today. I made him take me out to lunch!!!

Newly Wed Lesson #3: Do not read between the lines. If unsure, ask!


gorgbroza said...

What is your DH? Is that the same thing as your hairy-chested chirp-head?

Audrey said...

DH = dear husband/honey and yup, that's the hairy-chested chirp-head.

liz said...

the way I read "I've got cash" is that, "Yes, I have cash and how much do you want"? But since he had the car, there would be no better explanation otherthan to take you out!

alan said...

Liz, that is EXACTLY what I meant.... "I've got cash, how much you want?" And when she didn't respond, I assumed she didn't want any...

catherine said...

LOL :) ha ha you guys are funny. sorry audrey.... i read it the same way as liz too. but he does have the car and if he knows that you don't have any restaurants in walking distance, he maybe should have asked you if you wanted to go to lunch.
however, there is this saying... "eyes wide open before marriage, eyes half shut after marriage". it has helped me pick my battles so that i don't get irritated with every little thing william does that is annoying. men are slow. they can't read ANYTHING so you really do have to spell it out for them. :)

Audrey said...

if only he added the clause "how much do you want"......yes, eyes half shut it is!

j said...

Agreed with Catherine! "they can't read ANYTHING so you really do have to spell it out for them."

Although, I'd like to add that even if we read into soemthing, most of the time we're wrong anyways, so whats the point. It'd be much easier is all women spoke in plain english so us men can understand!

Audrey said...

But J, when it comes to eating, don't humans like to play the game where one will say, "Anything is fine, up to you" and then allow the other to guess where or when to eat? :)

gorgbroza said...


Yes, that is true. But when men say it, they mean it. When women say it, they're thinking "I actually do have a preference but I think it would be more fun to see if he can figure it out."

Followed by, "did I just see a little bit of his hair fall out?"