Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Ritz Carlton hotel at Half Moon Bay is an excellent wedding location. Well, that is if you got some extra cash to spare. It's right by the beach and it's situated up high enough such that you can get a view of the coastline. I love the smell of the sea and the sound of waves crashing onto the beach. What a romantic place to exchange vows!

After the set up at Ritz Carlton yesterday, I came home and told my dear husband all about it. How beautiful it was and how romantic it must be for the couple that were getting married that day. My dear husband, I could tell, was simply glad that this revelation came to me now and not while we were planning for the wedding!! You know what he was thinking...hahaha!


Anonymous said...

That does sound romantic! But your wedding location was really exotic - it really exemplified you. For our wedding, we had it at TCBC - not really a prime location but very meaningful for us. It's where Vijay and I accepted Christ. Plus it was free - a good deal for us since we were right out of college ^_^.

liz said...

I heard about the Ritz at Half Moon Bay on the news, but your location was really beautiful! It was small and intimate compared to my wedding. Really lovely!