Tuesday, June 20, 2006

This is my favorite new drink, the (syrup-less) Green Tea Latte from Starbucks. You'll have to ask them to not put syrup in there. It tastes better w/o the syrup. Hmmm...it's so goooood.

Side note: The husband (the hairy chest man) has gotten a new pet. It resides by the front door and it eats ants. It's got 8 legs and is not very friendly to me. It is always trying to scare me. Alan said that we need the new pet because that way, we won't have to spend money on buying pesticides to kill the ants. Anyways, I hope Dawg eats it. They look like they'll be good at it. Hmph! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Anonymous said...

Your blog is jacked up, the picture is too big, I can't read part of the page!

Audrey said...

and it has the same number of letter as anal..oh wait, same letters too!

gorgbroza said...

Here's a lady spider I found near our porch a few years ago. I tried to feed her frequently... this grasshopper was a bit large and ripped through her web the first time I threw it. So I had to gently lay him down on the web. I don't think he found it as amusing as I did.

She's some sort of orb weaver - I forget the species (I forget everything from before Sara was born). Pretty much the largest spider you'll find in this area (bigger than a black widow by a bit).


j said...

in regards to the comment about hairy chested...

Audrey said...

i did i did, i think i ate Mr. P's new pet.

alan said...

Hooray, the spider is back. I guess s/he just ran away for a while because I scared him/her while vacuuming. How s/he is right where s/he used to be, next to the front door, spinning a web to catch more ants!