Sunday, October 15, 2006

Flying in a small private jet is like umm, let's see, sitting on a swing except there's no chains holding it up. I forgot when but when my boss mentioned he could fly but when he did, I was like, "oh neat!". And somehow, I got myself committed for a flying tour. Probably because I was the most excited of all my coworkers.

Right before my coworker and I got on the plane, my boss said, "OK, this is so you know, this plane is a single engine plane and doesn't have a parachute. So if it fails, that's it. You can still back out if you want." Haha...well, I came so far, I might as well go through with it. Let me tell you, I was so scared!!!

Here's some pictures.
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liz said...

The pictures look great, but I don't think I'll fly in a small plane anymore (we went on a 10 seater on our honeymoon in Australia) after hearing about the Cory Lidle incident.

william said...

hey audrey...want to take some ground school together then eventually learn to fly? after my mba finishes at cal state....i need something else to do.

Audrey said...

william, did i tell you i had a hard time passing the driving test? hahaha :D

i think it would be fun..but not sure what Mr. Chirp-head thinks. he wasn't too thrill that I took up on the offer to go flying. hehe