Thursday, October 19, 2006

OK, who ate my lunch? I can't believe there's a lunch thief at work. Someone took my beef stew (ate half of it) and rice (ate all of it - the tupperware was empty) and returned it to the fridge at the exact same spot that I had put them. How rude is that? Doesn't that somebody think that if he/she took someone else's lunch, that will leave someone else hungry?!!!! That's it, I'm looking into buying a mini fridge.


Anonymous said...

Wow, how rude! Is your workplace big? Or do you just have a few co-workers? Any idea who it could have been?

catherine said...

oh that sucks! i had ziplock bag full of strawberries taken once. i was so mad! they didn't take my food, they took my dessert. never take a woman's dessert!#$& after that, i always stuck my things inside a black, zippered cooler bag. not sure if that was really a deterent or not but i never had anything taken after that.
i really STRONGLY dislike people who get away with stuff like that... no respect for other people's belongings.

alan said...

Leave a bag of poisoned food in the fridge, that will help you determine who has been stealing your lunch.

Audrey said...

I was thinking laxatives...but that's kinda mean. I think I'll take catherine's suggestion and put my food in a non-see-through bag.