Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spring Project Part I

Welcome to my little garden. This is actually my try it again project. Earlier attempts (2005 & 2006) ended sadly. Hopefully this year, it will be different, because if I fail again I will never hear the end of ~I told you so~ from you know who....I really really want to prove him wrong.

Despite what Alan says, I remain very hopeful. They are gonna live!!!! Well, every year I am closer to being able to keep my plants alive so why can't it be this year? This time I made sure I had a proper drainage system (such as adding a layer of crushed pine cones on the bottom and made sure there are holes on the bottom for extra water to flow out), I made sure I didn't cramp them together so they have room to grow, and last but not least, I made sure that I didn't merely just place the new plants on top of the soil in the new containers but actually submerge them in the new soil. Now, as long as I remember to water them and feed them regularly, they shouldn't die on me.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Coyote Hills

Here's some pictures from today's bird watching adventure at Coyote Hills. Spring is here. The trees and the birds told me so.

(Mallards flying in formation.)

(Close up of a mallard.)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I luv it when it's warm!

Oh my gosh it's beautiful outside. Yikes, I'm such a slacker..hope no one from work ever finds this blog (because I should be working right now)..hehe...or at least no one that will rat on me. So what did I do? Around 4 PM, I went to starbucks for ice tea and cookies. Then I sat outside and enjoy the sun and my little snack! What a little retreat! It's wonderful to have a park right by my work place. It was so very nice! Makes me envy those kids playing outside. .....I guess I don't have to envy, I was a kid once upon a time, so I did get my share of the sun. I guess it's kinda like timeshare or something... Oh I know! I can be an at home mom and enjoy the sun with my kid(s) in the afternoon! Ya! That's an idea! Although I don't think this idea will get approved any time soon. Anyways....this makes me wonder, so the first 18 years or so of our life, we get to enjoy the sun and be lazy in the afternoon....and is that it? Do we have to wait until we're old,gray and wise/senile before we can do that again?

Monday, March 05, 2007

I'm kicking As* in Bowling!

in wii bowling that is. A record score of 273!!! Dang I'm good! hehehe..Any challengers?

Sunday, March 04, 2007

A Day in the City

View From the Fairmont Hotel (Crown Room)
Ever been in the crown room of the Fairmont Hotel? It's got the greatest view of San Francisco. No wonder it's a 5 star hotel!!! Too bad the only camera I had with me was the camera on my phone. But better than nothing!

If you're rich and got too much money, then it's definitely the place to get hitched.

The Best Vietnamese Sandwich Ever
I often say that the Vietnamese sandwiches here (the bay area) are not as good as the ones in Southern California. My coworker from my non 9 to 5 job took me to this Vietnamese Sandwich place in SF that was soooooooo good that I have to take what I said back! The best $2.50 I have ever spent.

(560 Larkin St. San Francisco, CA 94102)

He said this place is so good that culinary students from around the corner would line up outside the place all the time. Honestly, I didn't believe him until I got a taste of the sandwich myself! It was sooooooooooo good. The best Vietnamese Sandwich ever!

If you're ever in town, you gotta try it.

Kippy Marks
OK, so I've seen all sorts of interesting people on the streets of SF all the time, but none was as interesting to me as Kippy Marks was.
Why? Because he is an excellent violinist! He's got this jazzy/techno like music going on and was absolutely great at improvising. Click here to go this website.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Name the Movie, Part II

What movie is this from? Click on the forward button to get the song started. First person to get this right gets my utmost respect.