Tuesday, May 22, 2007

How absurd!!!!!

This is so absurd that I need to blog this.

I was done with my list of things to get at Trader Joe's and proceeded to a check out line. There was a 10 items or less line but I decided to use the line next to it because the person currently being ringed up in that line was almost done and the only person queued up had just a handful of stuff whereas the 10 items or less line had a bunch of people. So I decided to line up in the non 10 items or less line. Then out of no where, this lady (I will refrain from saying what nationality as I believe people of all nationality can be like this) pushed her cart in front of me and then pointed to the line for 10 items or less telling me to go to that line instead. How absurd was that?!!! I must have hit my head hard yesterday because I listened to her. I either was caught off guard or was confused (for a moment I thought she worked there or something but apparently, she was a customer). It was just so bizarre. Anyways, so instead of fighting for my position in line, I just went, "oh, ok" and step aside for her. *Bonk*, I'm such a dufus. I have no idea why I am such a ...ugh!

Note to self: next time someone does this ask, "Do you work here?"


Unknown said...

Don't be hard on yourself. I'm not always concentrating on what someone says until later and then realize why they trying to be "helpful". :P

gorgbroza said...

Nothing wrong with what you did. She'll get what's coming to her. Email me her license plate number.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone jumped in front of William just as he was ready to pay for his Two Buck Chuck?

liz said...

That's alright Audrey. It's like when someone cuts me off, my first reaction is to move, BUT I should move and HONK! I always think about what I should have done after the fact, but that's how life is sometimes. You were caught off guard.

catherine said...

i agree - don't be hard on yourself! i also think our culture teaches us not to be confrontational so your first instinct when someone is rude and pushy is to step aside. i would have done the same. in fact, i can think of at least several incidences where people "ran me over" and i later wish i had gotten right back in their face. but as i've gotten older, i've learned they're not worth my time or energy. this lady is not worth yours either! consider yourself classy and gracious.