Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Introducing Suc!

Suc or Sucky is my new plant. It is a Crassula Ovata, aka Jade Plant or Friendship Tree. It is a succulent plant. What is a succulent? Is it a cactus? hahaha, just kidding, well, not really kidding, those were my questions. In case you are convinced, it is not a cactus!!! It doesn't have those pointy things that can hurt you. A succulent plant stores water in its leaves, stems, and roots just like a cactus but it's not a cactus!!! According to the person who reccommended it to me, it's very easy to take care of. They are just for people like me who is forgetful when it comes to watering. Did you know that Aloe is a Succulent? I didn't know that..but now I do! OK, back to Crassula Ovata. They are native to South Africa where it's dry and hot (but cannot stand extreme heat) and requires very little watering...very little watering!!!! They can survive with full sun or a with little bit of shade. OK, let see how this new little dude will do on my balcony!!!


Anonymous said...

the chinese calls this a 'money tree'

liz said...

your pic changed! i need to get some of these plants, then i don't have to water them all the time!

Audrey said...

I thought money trees were more like this > click here

This is the picture of my actual plant. The one posted earlier was from the web. :)

Unknown said...

I had a succulent before and actually over-watered it so it didn't last too long. :P

alan said...

Anonymous got OWNED! oooooooo.....

Anonymous said...

although technically the Pachira aquatica is the original money tree plant, the Crassula ovata is more popularly referred to as the money tree by the chinese due to their relatively low maintenance.


to the person who commented above:
learn to have some respect for others, they may like you more.

gorgbroza said...

I don't know about that... I've met a couple of really high-maintenance Chinese people.

I like Harold... er... Alan quite a bit, and he has nothing but disrespect for me.

alan said...

I think anonymous kim has confused me with someone who is looking for respect and/or looking to increase his likability on people's blogger comments page.

Audrey said...

Whoa!!! All this hostility, I feel that I should say something.

Our guest is right, the Crassula Ovata is sometimes referred to as the money tree. And, relatively low maintenance was in regards to the plant (needing less watering) thus low maintenance, not in regards to the Chinese people. :)

And guys, be nice!