Thursday, April 27, 2006

Itchy and Scratchy just had an egg! You know what this means! ...well, since we don't want any more birds, the expert, Mr. Egg Patrol Person, is on the move! Before today ends, Mr. EPP will boil it. After he drops me off at the airport, he's going to go home and take care of the matter. First, he will create some diversion to get Itchy & Scratchy's attention. Once Itchy & Scratchy are away from their egg, Mr. EPP will immediate grab a hold of that egg and bring it into the kitchen and boil it. Then after the egg cools down, he will return the egg to the birds. Poor Itchy & Scratchy...they think they are infertile.

What if there's another egg tomorrow? How will Mr. EPP know which egg hasn't been boiled? Trust me, Mr. EPP knows.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I cannot believe that of all the different things that that he could say to answer the question, "what do you think of audrey", he picked "lazy"!!!! Sure, I had once mentioned that I prefer 1-story houses because I don't like stairs, I like to sleep in on weekends (who doesn't?), and I don't like to drive because I enjoy sleeping on the road, but do these things warrant "laziness" as the first choice? Who puts home cook meals (which takes me 1.5 hours to make) on the table after work to ensure that we eat healthy stuff? OK, maybe because of the 1 or 2 days that we have to eat left over or take out because I'm too tired after work makes me lazy. Or maybe I'm lazy because I made it his job to set up the tables and load dishes into the dish washer? hmm... Who makes him breakfast (homemade cereal bar, muffins, and sometimes egg sandwiches/egg burrito) and sometimes packs him sandwiches for lunch? None other than me! Oh, maybe because I don't do it everyday so that why he thinks I'm lazy? What does he expect, wonder woman? It's not like I don't have a day job. Oh, by the way, the toilet magically stays clean too. Must be because he flushes it everytime after use so that's why it's clean. hmm.... Maybe I should show him what "lazy" really means.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

If there's gonna be a major earthquake anytime soon...alan and I are going to die...die from thirst!!! Why is that? Well..let's bottled water anywhere...and more brita filters...I am currently drinking tap water.....I guess I'll go buy some water tomorrow..since I've been pumping (no not pumping for milk) my arms (15 lb dumbbells) to tone them up for the wedding, I might as well use these new muscles to pick up some kirkland bottled water from costco. Guess I can't depend on Alan for this task! Hmm..I guess if a major earthquake does hit us between now and before I go to costco tomorrow...if it comes to it, I guess we can drink water from the toilet tank...or steal some water from our neighbors... :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I've gotten a lot of inquries regarding Itchy's big toe. Itchy's really happy that so many people care about her. I feel that I should give an update on Itchy's toe. Itchy showed me her big toe today, it is still there but I don't know for how long. I hope it won't fall off. I'm crossing my fingers. A week ago, it looks like it was healing, but today, it looks inflamed again. Speaking of toes are hurting...and that's because Alan's got 2 left feet! Yup, he's got 2 left feet alright. Alan and I just finished practicing dancing (or if you can see us, it's really practicing stomping) for the wedding. Boy, I tell ya, I can't wait till the wedding is over so that we don't have to practice dancing. Both Alan and I can't dance! Very frustrating. I guess it's not fair to say that Alan's got 2 left feet without adding that I got 2 right feet and 3 hands! The 2 of us together....when we dance I somehow keep kneeing him and then smacking him (when I try do turns) and then in return, he somehow is always stomping on my poor toes. I guess Itchy and I can sit next to each other and commiserate.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Ever wonder why you tend to pee a lot after you had some beer, wine, or hard liquor? And if you think you're the only're not... This is because alcohol reduces the production of the hormone (antidiuretic hormone) that keeps you from making too much urine. You continue to pee a lot as long as there is alcohol in your bloood..thus losing lots of liquid, vitamins, and time you drink alcoholic beverages, remember to drink lots of water as well..and if you can, carry some vitamin with you :P...