Thursday, April 27, 2006

Itchy and Scratchy just had an egg! You know what this means! ...well, since we don't want any more birds, the expert, Mr. Egg Patrol Person, is on the move! Before today ends, Mr. EPP will boil it. After he drops me off at the airport, he's going to go home and take care of the matter. First, he will create some diversion to get Itchy & Scratchy's attention. Once Itchy & Scratchy are away from their egg, Mr. EPP will immediate grab a hold of that egg and bring it into the kitchen and boil it. Then after the egg cools down, he will return the egg to the birds. Poor Itchy & Scratchy...they think they are infertile.

What if there's another egg tomorrow? How will Mr. EPP know which egg hasn't been boiled? Trust me, Mr. EPP knows.


alan said...

You down with EPP?? Yeah you know me!

gorgbroza said...


I assume you do eventually remove the boiled eggs. How long does it take for them to realize nothing's happening?

And does it taste good?

j said...

hmmm. I've had bird eggs before (not love bird eggs) - like quail eggs. Do they taste like that?

I guess chicken are technically birds, so guess that we've all had bird eggs before...

gorgbroza said...

Don't remind Audrey that chickens are birds. She'll get mad.