Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I've gotten a lot of inquries regarding Itchy's big toe. Itchy's really happy that so many people care about her. I feel that I should give an update on Itchy's toe. Itchy showed me her big toe today, it is still there but I don't know for how long. I hope it won't fall off. I'm crossing my fingers. A week ago, it looks like it was healing, but today, it looks inflamed again. Speaking of toes are hurting...and that's because Alan's got 2 left feet! Yup, he's got 2 left feet alright. Alan and I just finished practicing dancing (or if you can see us, it's really practicing stomping) for the wedding. Boy, I tell ya, I can't wait till the wedding is over so that we don't have to practice dancing. Both Alan and I can't dance! Very frustrating. I guess it's not fair to say that Alan's got 2 left feet without adding that I got 2 right feet and 3 hands! The 2 of us together....when we dance I somehow keep kneeing him and then smacking him (when I try do turns) and then in return, he somehow is always stomping on my poor toes. I guess Itchy and I can sit next to each other and commiserate.

1 comment:

gorgbroza said...

Can't wait to see the two of you smacking each other around on the dance floor.

I hope itchy is able to keep her toes. Seems toes would be much more important for those little birds than for us hairless monkeys.