Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I cannot believe that of all the different things that that he could say to answer the question, "what do you think of audrey", he picked "lazy"!!!! Sure, I had once mentioned that I prefer 1-story houses because I don't like stairs, I like to sleep in on weekends (who doesn't?), and I don't like to drive because I enjoy sleeping on the road, but do these things warrant "laziness" as the first choice? Who puts home cook meals (which takes me 1.5 hours to make) on the table after work to ensure that we eat healthy stuff? OK, maybe because of the 1 or 2 days that we have to eat left over or take out because I'm too tired after work makes me lazy. Or maybe I'm lazy because I made it his job to set up the tables and load dishes into the dish washer? hmm... Who makes him breakfast (homemade cereal bar, muffins, and sometimes egg sandwiches/egg burrito) and sometimes packs him sandwiches for lunch? None other than me! Oh, maybe because I don't do it everyday so that why he thinks I'm lazy? What does he expect, wonder woman? It's not like I don't have a day job. Oh, by the way, the toilet magically stays clean too. Must be because he flushes it everytime after use so that's why it's clean. hmm.... Maybe I should show him what "lazy" really means.


Regina said...

Wow, homemade cereal bars?? You are so cool Audrey! Yes, I agree you're anything but lazy after I saw all the types of crafts you're into at the bridal shower. When I was shopping for your scrapbook gift I was amazed at all the types of materials that go into a scrapbook I'm lucky if any of our pictures actually make it into an album!

gorgbroza said...

Hey! Where are my homemade cereal bars and breakfast burritos?!


liz said...

ditto to regina's comments. you're far from laziness. we all have our moments of not wanting to do anything, but i think of laziness as not wanting to do anything at all, ALL THE TIME!

alan said...

Calling Audrey "lazy" was the one of the biggest mistakes of my life. After nearly an hour of verbal punishment, I have truly realized my fault. Thanks Audrey for setting me straight! I wouldn't be where I am without you!

gorgbroza said...

Now Alan realizes exactly why I am losing so much hair.

alan said...

And now I also realize why my hair is going, I've learned a lot in the past 24 hours

Audrey said...

I agree with liz..laziness is not wanting to do anything at all, all the time. :)

gorgbroza said...

Hey, you forgot to make a post to your blog yesterday. Don't make me call you lazy!
