Sunday, February 11, 2007

What's going on?

It's Feb 11 and there were people at the gym earlier tonight and people at the gym on Saturday morning! Wow, I'll have to take back what I say about people and their new year resolutions. Don't ask me about my 2007's resolutions..hahaha..cuz I'll say what resolutions? btw..another plant just died on me...I don't know what's wrong, is it not enough water, too much water, or not enough sunlight? Darn it, why couldn't it just tell me what it wanted! Plants are so difficult to please. Oh I know (back to the gym topic), must because of V day, that's why people were at the gym, trying to either get a date or impress their dates. that must be it! Speaking of V day, you know what Mr. P's gonna get to do? He's gonna get to eat the cookies I baked for him 4 years ago! Yup, that's right. We were doing some cleaning a couple of months ago and um and I found them still in their tin can and if I remember correctly, someone had told me that he loved the cookies and had ate them all. well well well, this V day I'm giving him another chance to prove how much he loves the cookies (cuz he still claims that he loved the cookies)? Don't you think that's a good idea? I think so. Those white specks you see on the cookies, I have no idea what it is. I don't remember them being there back in 2003. hahaha!


alan said...

You can love cookies without eating them.

liz said...

well, if he said he ate them all, but they are still here, then i think it's reasonable to have mr. p eat the rest of the cookies!!! hee hee. happy v-day!

alan said...

I said I loved the cookies... I never said I ate them all!

Audrey said...

yes you did! u did too! ask dawg!

Anonymous said...

Those cookies look so cute (though old)! If you ever feel like making them again you can give one to Alan to eat and the rest for Vijay and I - they will definitely be eaten. :D

As for the gym, it usually dwindles by March. By April, the gym attendance returns to it's usual (as has been my experience at ours).

Anonymous said...

Oh, here's something for you Audrey if it'll make you feel better: The first year of our marriage I would cook all our dinners from scratch. Not successfully, but from scratch and lots of love. Vijay strategically ate so slow I would have the kitchen all cleaned and leave the apt. living room to go brush my teeth in the bathroom. I'd hear this little "thud" of the cupboard when brushing my teeth. When I returned Vijay happened to "finish his entire meal"-- though I knew all along he was dumping it in the kitchen trash. I called him on it years later - he had no idea I knew the whole time! Well, I knew I wasn't so great of a cook then (substituted too many times, and wasn't very clean with the food) so I let it slide. :P

Audrey said...

Regina, that's really funny! Hey, we have something in common, I never completely follow any recipes!

I'll save you some cookies when I make them tomorrow, think I'll try making some peanut butter chocolate chip ones..if they are decent. :)

gorgbroza said...

"another plant just died on me...I don't know what's wrong, is it not enough water, too much water, or not enough sunlight?"

Maybe it had too much Audrey.

Yes, plenty in common - you both love but kill plants. If plants could scream....

And I think I have to side with Alan this time, both because I don't want to see him die from ancient toxic cookies, and because "you can love cookies without eating them" is a really funny comeback.