Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Asian Heritage Month is this Month...So...

Did you know that ice cream was invented in China back in 2000 BC?!!!! I love ice cream! For some history, click here.


Regina said...

Are you trying to start another fight? ^_^ What if I said ice cream was not made by the Chinese? :D

Okay, I really don't know the origin of ice cream. But if it's the Chinese, that's kind of funny since they're not known to put any dairy products in their cooking (like the Indians put yogurt in their curry). I've never even seen a cow in China - unless their cows are from Xian.

Regina said...

Okay, I just read the history link. That "snow ice cream" was made makes more sense. And the Italians adding cream sounds like something I once read framed in an ice cream parlor. Interesting! :)

Audrey said...

LOL - no fighting please!

gorgbroza said...
