Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

happy mother's day! ...i miss my bad thing about being so far away. :( over the years (since I moved to the bay area), mother's day has been falling on the sunday of memorial weekend cuz that's when i get to see my mommy. hmmm...why do we use one day of the year to celebrate the what mothers do for 365 days (a 24/7 job)? let everyday be mother's day! ok, i wanna move back to LA now. :( hey!!!! why isn't there a wife day? i want a wife day! having a husband is like having a kid. happy wife day to me! :D


gorgbroza said...

Happy Wife Day, Audrey. I hope Alan hasn't been too colicky lately.

Audrey said...

sorry, what is colicky?

catherine said...

happy mother's day to you too! i am sure dog (and all other many love birdies that have multiplied) loves his mommy very much :)

gorgbroza said...

(colic is a condition where babies cry nonstop for hours, and nobody really knows why... some think it might be gas... I don't think so... Sara was colicky for a month or two when she was tiny)

Audrey said...

Oh, Alan hasn't been colicky. He's just been whining and complaining a lot about nothing.

Regina said...

Happy Wife's Day Audrey! I think we're suppose to marry before kids because first we have to get use to taking care of our guy. They're good training for what's to come (plus pets).

liz said...

That's true Regina, you get married and live together first before kids, just to prepare you for what's to come. But when you do have kids, it's just adds to what you already have to take care of. Now I have 3 whiney "kids"... John, Ethan and Cody and pretty soon another kid! hee hee