Thursday, May 04, 2006

OK, so between now and the wedding, there's 2 weekends. But there's really one weekend where we can work on finishing up on the favors, the programs, and the menus, which is this weekend because the weekend after that is mother's day weekend. May 13 is Alan's grandparent's aniversary and we're having lunch with them and afterward is Ethan's red egg celebration. Then, we're probably doing to do something on Sunday, so this means, we have to get most of our stuff done this weekend. I really want to get our wedding programs done by this weekend even though it's Alan's task and I had told him that he has until the day before the wedding to get it done. Plus, I have some time right now. I thought that I can help out by working on the layout and the wording. That way, when this Saturday comes, I can go to Kinkos and get it printed in the morning and spend the afternooning assembling them with Liana and Cindy. This is so much better than doing it the day before. At least that's what I thought. I had ask Alan a few times to send me the ceremony detail...the format, the music, and etc. so I can work on the wording. This morning, when I asked Alan why he hasn't sent it to me. He said, "If you really wanted the ceremony format information, you would have gotten it, it's on my computer." What's that suppose to mean? What's so hard about sending the info as an attachement via email? Then he went on and said that if I don't trust him with the wedding stuff, there's no point in him doing anything anymore and that from this moment on, he's not going to do anything! Now, that's not fair. I didn't say I didn't trust him, I just want to help out. Since I'm blogging at work, you know what I mean about having some time in my hands? Men, why are they so sensitive?


liz said...

Don't worry, everything will get done. John was the same for our wedding... left things to the last minute and we did get into some minor arguments. John did our wedding video the night before, during his own bachelor party! No worries!

Anonymous said...

I think wedding planning is training ground for what is to come afterwards. Though Vijay and I dated 6 years prior, preparing for our wedding caused us to learn a lot more about each other. That, and the first year of marriage. Wow, those were rough times for us when I realized that I married his mother as well. But now, we're in cruise mode because we can pretty much predict how each of us feels.

Anonymous said...

well okay... wait.. adding a baby to the mix has been trying. We've had to be extra patient with another as our memories now fail us and often we're not paying attention to listening to each other speak.

catherine said...

hey audrey! :)
i agree with you - men are so sensitive! everyone takes about women being moody once a month. but the BIG secret is that men are moody more than women and that they can be moody ANY TIME! at least we are reliable... men just have to watch the calendar to know when we are going to be moody.