Monday, May 08, 2006

OK, who wakes up when the alarm clock goes off? I don't! I normally snooze 1.5 hours before I finally wake up. Well, I was telling a coworker, um.. he's my ex-coworker now, my problem and he pointed me to to his link,

ha! It's a very interesting way to go about it but I don't think it'll work w/ me. After 10 years of's hard to unlearn the habit. So I was thinking, forget the alarm clock. I don't need it. Besides, it's just unnatural to wake up when your body is not ready to wake up. Body is not ready...SNOOZE. My theory is, if you let your body get enough sleep, you'll just wake up on your own. So I gave it a try last night, went to bed w/o setting the alarm and guess what? I woke up at the same time as before, which was 1.5 hours after the ideal get up time for me, but without the snooze. hehe.

1 comment:

gorgbroza said...

In college I would sometimes do the snooze thing for over an hour. It really bothered the guy next door.

I have no desire to be an early riser.

Though, to stay up late (again, college days), I used to try to brighten the room every hour or so. Turning on more lights helped me to stay awake. If the light level remained constant, I'd eventually drift off. (The stomachfull of Chicago pizza didn't help).