Saturday, February 16, 2008

A cold shower

I am still shaking and my teeth are clattering as I am typing. So 2 mornings ago, I discovered that there was no hot water. I remember coming back from the gym and jumping into the shower and finding the water to be lukewarm. Strange, I thought since we weren't not doing the laundry and the dishwasher wasn't not running, why was the water lukewarm? Then later Mr. P thought that I used up all the hot water. Then yesterday morning, we realized the water heater wasn't working. No no, don't worry, I didn't skip showering yesterday but I won't vouch for Mr. P. I showered at work yesterday! So anyways, an hour ago, I just couldn't stand it anymore as I can't stand not showering for over 24 hours. I believed I jumped into the shower at work yesterday at 10:30 am so naturally I had to shower when 10:30 came (OCD? perhaps). I guess I coulda gone to the gym and shower there,, it's cleaner at home. Then I thought, oh it can't be that bad (a cold shower that is) after all, I went swimming at an outdoor pool in the winter when it was in the low 50's in the late afternoon before. What a fool! I mean hello?!!! What was I thinking? The pool was heated?!!! Anyways, not only did I want to lather some lavender soap on my body, I wanted to wash my hair too! I came up with a plan. Wash my hair first at the sink and then go into the shower and blast myself with the ice cold water. Surprisingly, washing my hair using ice cold water was kinda pleasant, it wasn't too bad, I kinda liked it. Then, i got in the shower, and ....OH MY GOD!!!! Damn it was ssssssssssooooooo cold. I think I cursed the entire time, screaming some insane profanity that I didn't know I was capable of saying. It was probably the quickest shower ever, record time! No doubt about it. Am I glad I showered? Well, ya, I love that CLEAN feeling! Will I ever do it again? HELL NO! Mr. P better get that water heater working! hehe ^-^


liz said...

Did you finally get the water heater to work? I hate cold showers. I think I did it once and it was awful!

Audrey said...

Yes! Finally fixed...although it's just a temporary fix. I think we need to get a new water heater eventually!