Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What a tragedy...

This morning as I turned into 24 Hour's parking lot and going down my usual aisle to find my usual spot, 2 pretty new Mercedes were blocking my way. Apparently, they had rear ended each other while backing out of their spots. It's too bad I missed the action. Well, they were arguing over whose fault it was. These 2 people, they could have been a couple, one driving a 340 series and the other a 540 series (??) and both wearing designer sportswear outfits. I really couldn't see any scratches from where I was. But seriously though, if there were some scratches, they should still just stop arguing and suck it up and move on. They can stop buying designer outfits and use their own money to get touch ups and move on with their morning. That way they can stop wasting each other's time and oh, ya, my time as well.

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