Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Been working out but not seeing results? You may find this article interesting, go here to read it. Have fun!


gorgbroza said...

My problem is eating. A few years ago I decided to get more serious about it - eat 6 meals a day. Without changing my workout routine, I started gaining 1 lb per week (for 10 weeks straight). And no, I wasn't eating donuts.

Unfortunately it is so much easier to lose the weight... I lost ~15 lbs in two weeks around the time Sara was born. That sucked.

Problem with the 6 meals thing is... you always feel like you need to take a dump. Was that too much information?

catherine said...

you are too funny... actually i feel the same way about eating enough to feed thomas. those first 6 months when us mom's are pigging out, it is like we are still pregnant! i am sure regina can concur :)