Sunday, August 20, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Flat tires..., can this be the reason behind that that pissed off look captured by the wifey (me)?? I had one flat tire and Alan had 2 flat tires! Good thing we had llamas to entertain us while we waited to be rescued. The white llama with black spots is Lucy. Isn't Lucy cute? I got to feed them grass hay and apples. Do you know that llamas love apples?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting OK, back to the pouty face question, the answer is no. That's the normal "honey, hurry up and pick up the pace" look.


j said...

wow. where did you guys go riding where there are llamas? do they smell?

Audrey said...

It's the "Ride of Three Canyons" -- Niles, Stonybrook, and Dublin. We started off in sunol off the 84, made a right at Palomares Rd, made another right at Dublin Canoyon Rd. and then a final right at Foothill Rd..where we got stranded. That's where we saw the llamas...on Foothill Rd, just before Bernal Ave. They kinda smell but their cuteness made up for it.

gorgbroza said...

Do llamas taste good?