Thursday, August 03, 2006

Which picture did I have a problem w/ auto-focusing and had to resort to manual focusing at the end? Why?

Picture 1:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Picture 2:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

First friend to get this right wins a free non-alcoholic drink (pick your own place).


gorgbroza said...

Hey, my comment got deleted! And Audrey changed the text to say "first friend" and non-alcoholic drink!

What, alkies like me are unworthy of your friendship (and answering your puzzles)???


Audrey said...

Ooops! It did? Hmmm....wierd cuz I didn't do the deleting. For that, I owe you (gorgbroza) an alcoholic drink!

Audrey said...

And, Tim, you won yourself a free non-alcoholic drink!

alan said...

You deleted the whole post and reposted it, that's why Gorg's comment disappeared. You were on a deleting spree that night.

j said...

Hey I think my comments got deleted as well. Do I get one? (just kidding)!!!!