Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Wow, it took approximately 30 minutes for my finger to stop bleeding. About half an hour ago, while cutting cheese, I cut my poor index finger. I cut my finger all the time before and yet it never really puncture the skin or ever go that deep. I think I should stick w/ using blunt knifes or learn how to cut properly. I was wondering if I should seek medical attention as it wouldn't stop bleeding and it was quite deep. It occurred to me that I might need some stitches but I was afraid that the nurses might laugh at me if I go in and my finger was in no immediate danger of falling off. I don't know, I just feel like unless I'm dying or something is chopped off, there is no need to go to the emergency walk in. Anyhow, I went online to see if i need medical attention. This is what I found out. If a straight cut is more than 1/8 of an inch or .3 cm deep (goes through the demis layer), it should be stitched only if the area in resting position pulls the skin back and prevents the wound from closing. It also said that if it's not a not a straight cut and it's jagged and is 1/8 of an inch or .3cm deep, then seek medical attention immediately. Interesting eh? So even though my cut went through the dermis layer and I could see the white stuff, after about 1/2 hour, the wound had no problem closing by itself. Whew, good thing I checked, otherwise I will look like such an idiot. Hehe.


gorgbroza said...

Helps to stop the bleeding if you hold your hand high over your head. When I cut myself that deep, I usually put my hand in whatever position won't open the wound, then tape it up so I can't flex it and accidentally open it.

catherine said...

i use tape too - waterproof medical tape or the super flexible fabric tape. just make sure the edges are together, get as much blood off as you can and slap the tape on. tape works much better than any sort of bandaid.
although for small cuts like annoying papercuts, i have been using that non-toxic superglue stuff they sell now. that works well to seal out water while it is healing up.

Audrey said...
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Audrey said...

thanks for the tip! The wound opened up 3 times today and each time it did, it was bleeding pretty profusely. I think i'm gonna try the super glue? Will it sting when I put the glue on? I'm a big baby when it comes to pain.

catherine said...

oh wait! You aren't supposed to use the superglue stuff for deeper wounds, only superficial cuts and abrasions. i did use it on a slightly bigger cut once and it worked ok - i ended up letting the first layer dry and putting a second layer of superglue over it. it did sting a little when i first put it on....
hope you didn't try it! i'll email you too :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your finger! A few months after we were married I cut the index finger of my left hand while slicing a morning bagel for Vijay. The flesh would flap open - I thought I would need stitches too but Vijay insisted that bandaids were good enough.,, but yours sounds worse if it's still bleeding. And super glue? I've never super glued a wound shut...

Audrey said...

OH...goody I chickened out. I was gonna try the glue but I had a feeling it would sting. The would is completely closed now. I still can't type w/ that finger. It still hurts when I do.