Wednesday, August 02, 2006

interesting link, go on, click on it. lots of stuff for all those who like supernatural/horror/sci-fi stuff. oh! oh! you can find a 3 part article on Spike under "column" and "coffin". oh heck, here's the link to the section on Spike, the vampire (from Buffy the Vampire - tv series for those who do know - warning..spoiler on there).


catherine said...

oh buffy oh buffy... those were the good old days. buffy, angel and spike. i miss that show. david b needs to watch it though - he is right on the edge of gaining too much weight. he was really good for the role the first season, when he was all mysterious and gaunt looking. then he got married and started gaining weight. didn't they get divorced? too bad...

alan said...

We just went back and watched the 1st disc of Buffy season 1.... my goodness eveything looked so low tech back then and the sound effects and background tracks.... man.... it felt like I was in the 80's again. I guess it was pretty low budget back then. It's pretty amazing how things progressed in the 7 years it was running. Oh yeah, David B looked skinnier than me back then! I guess he was younger than I am now too.....