Wednesday, July 26, 2006

If my husband hates ants. I hate ants even more. They turned my husband into an ant killing maniac. When we get home from work, Alan used to help me with cooking, like making the rice, setting the table, and sometimes even cutting the vegetables so that we can have something healthy for dinner. Ever since he turned into this maniac, the first thing he does when he gets home is look for ants, carrying with him his Ortho Home Defense, the indoor/outdoor insect killer (one of these day, it's gonna kill us cuz he's spraying it all over the place..... we'll die from eating minute amounts of ortho everyday). When he finds them, he asks, "Where the F**K are you coming from?", over and over again. That is very annoying. He really keeps repeating that, like once every few minutes. And, I can forget about him helping me with dinner, I gotta cook the rice and cut the veggies myself. Now, that sucks.


gorgbroza said...

Hehehe... I know a couple other people who really hate ants too. They don't bother me much.... Think about it this way... if you have protected your food, then they'll just end up cleaning your house... taking away dead bugs, crumbs, etc.

Maybe you can train them to take away bird eggs whenever the chirps squeeze one out.

liz said...

I hate ants too. I can stand the spiders since they are bigger and don't come in large numbers. My mom has ants right now and when I was over at her house feeding Ethan, a couple of ants appeared and were crawling over my arms and Ethan's legs, then on the plates we were eating from. YUCK!

catherine said...

yuck! i hate ants too. before we started spraying, they were EVERYWHERE. my mind was mentally exhausted from hating them so much. i had to check my clothes everytime i got dressed in the morning or inevitably one or two would show up while i was sitting at work.
that's a funny side of alan i have never heard of before. especially the "where the f* are you coming from" part. that's william when he gets really mad. he thinks i can't hear him but i can. esp when he hurts himself (like biting his tongue really hard when he eats). sound carries really well up the stairwell. and just like alan, he loves the mother of all cuss words. can't be a lesser cuss. it has to be the badest ass cuss word of them all. *sigh* BUT he has improved tremendously since thomas has arrived :)

Audrey said...

I think alan is the next grumpy uncle. The other day, he was bending down somewhere to seal up the cracks w/ spackle and he hit his head. He was cursing, at the wall, at the ants...come to think of it, it was kinda funny.

alan said...

I hit my head on the corner of the coffee table and the headache lasted for 2 days! That's not funny! I hate ants.

gorgbroza said...

I know it must seem funny to you ladies, but really... when you stub your toe on furniture or bang your knuckles on a car part, it kinda makes you feel better to cuss at the inanimate object.

I don't think I've ever used the F* word with a bug though.