Remember that song from J Lo, "Love don't cost a thing"? It goes, "Think I'm gonna spend your cash I won't, Even if you're broke, my love won't cost a thing..." Sounds promising doesn't it? Umm,.. problem is, love doesn't cost a thing but a wedding does!!!!! After you're engaged, it's "...think I'm gonna spend all your cash (on our wedding) I will, even if you're (gonna be) broke, I don't give a damn..."...ok, this is umm...a little exaggerated..but there's an element of truth to it. :)
Speaking of weddings, I love weddings!!! I love going to weddings, whether as a guest or as a hardworking florist assistant. It is after my own wedding that I appreciate weddings so much more. This is probably because now I know how much they cost and how much work goes into planning one. Today's wedding was at
the Kohl Mansion. The Kohl Mansion is absolutely gorgeous! Getting married at a national historial landmark. Now that's something! Here's some pictures from today's set up.

Wow, you really get to visit a lot of wedding locations through your assistant florist position! I like looking at your pics of different wedding decor. When I think of the decor in our wedding, it seemes so dated! Well, the best part of our wedding is that it's over. ^_^ Yes, it can be stressful to plan!
hehe.. In 2013, the decor on my wedding will be so dated too! All weddings have this problem because as the earth rotates, so does wedding decor! :)
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