Monday, July 24, 2006

My polarizer filter came in the mail today. Can you tell which picture was taken with the polarizer filter and which wasn't? Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


j said...

Hey aud. I think its the 2nd picture - taken with polarized filter. Look how much bluer the sky is!

Audrey said...

yup! that is correct. J you won yourself a cup of tapioca milk tea for getting this correct!

alan said...

How come in the picture that was taken WITH the filter, the stucco part of the house (where the half dome indent is) looks all washed out? Shouldn't it be less washed out?

Audrey said...

That's because I over exposed it. If I had exposed it correctly, it wouldn't have been like that. Good question, you won yourself a kiss from your wife! :)

alan said...

Actually upon closer inspection of the picture, looks like the sun went down a little bit further in the non-filter picture. In the picture with the filter, the fun was higher in the sky.