Saturday, July 08, 2006

Despite being sick, I went to see "The Lake House". I've been sick for over a few days now and not just sick, but very very sick, congested head, headache, ear infection, sore throat, you know, the whole enchilada. No fun at all. Initially, I took Monday 7/3 off to go to a wedding in LA, enjoy 4th of July, and then took Wednesday 7/5 off to drive back. In retrospect, it seems like I was preparing for my sick journey. I decided to get sick on the weekend, get sicker on Monday, then get even sicker on Tuesday, and finally get extremely sick on Wednesday (I think I slept through most of the 5 to 6 hour drive). At one point, it was so bad that it felt like a truck ran me over and my brain was oozing out of my nose. Sorry, that was umm..kinda graphic but umm...ya sorry. Anyhow, I don't recall ever feeling so miserable due to a flu and I don't recall taking this long to recover. This must be the side effect of being you know...(sorry to those are older than me), not that young know, another way to put it, the older you get, the longer it takes to bounce back. So, I finally felt a little better today...and what did I do? I went to see "The Lake House" and I don't know if it's because the movie sucked or if it was too cold in the theatre, I felt like throwing up at the end of the movie. By the way, the movie was pretty bad, very slow and the timewarp thing, it created a paradox. It doesn't make sense. So if you haven't seen it, and really want to see it, I say wait till it comes out in DVD. Oh, don't read any further if you want to see it and haven't seen it! Spoiler warning!!! I think that the movie would have been better if Alex did die. I'm not saying this because I'm the type of person who likes sad ending. I like happy ending but this ending just doesn't make sense. If he didn't die, then an alternate reality in 2006 would have been created. The thing is if Alex didn't die, then Kate wouldn't have gone to the lake house and everything that happened wouldn't have happened. Because Alex didn't die and yet they met at the lake house at the end as though nothing in the timeline had changed created a paradox! I will have to say that this movie was badly done. The story was too slow, too long, wasn't a mystery, it wasn't about time travel, it wasn't action and it wasn't even romantic enough to be ....ugh..I want my money back!


Anonymous said...

Good to know. I was thinking of seeing the Lake House because of the actors. I'll wait for the DVD.

alan said...

If Alex didn't die the Kate would have died and therefore, Alex would have died, but then Kate would have lived, it Alex lived and then died while Kate was living and then Kate killed Alex and Alex rose from the dead and Buffy staked him and then Kate became the Slayer because Alex killed Buffy and did I mention Alex died? One of the WORST MOVIES I've seen in quite sometime.... my comment on this blog was worth more money.

Anonymous said...
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